2 ATAF, Rheindahlen (Second Allied Tactical Air Force) |
4 ATAF, Trier (Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force) |
5 ATAF, Vicenza (Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force) |
6 ATAF, Izmir (Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force) |
7 ATAF, Larissa (Seventh Allied Tactical Air Force) |
AAFCE (Allied Air Forces Central Europe) |
ACCHAN (Allied Command Channel) |
ACLANT (Allied Commander Atlantic) |
AFCENT (Allied Forces Centrale Europe) |
AFNORTH (Allied Forces Northern Europe) |
AFNORTHWEST (Allied Forces Northwestern Europe) |
AFSOUTH (Allied Forces South Europe) |
AIRBALTAP (Allied Air Forces Baltic Approaches) |
AIRCENT (Allied Air Forces Central Europe) |
AIRCOM (Allied Air Command) |
AIRNORTH (Allied Air Forces North) |
AIRSOUTH (Allied Air Forces Southern Europe) |
AWACS (Airborne Early Warning and Control System) |
BALTAP (Allied Command Baltic Approaches) |
BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) |
BFG (British Forces Germany) |
CENTAG (Central Army Group) |
CINCEUR (Commander in Chief Europe) (US) |
JFC Brunssum (Joint Force Command Brunssum) |
JFC Naples (Allied Joint Force Command Naples) |
JFC Norfolk (Allied Joint Force Command Norfolk) |
JHQ Rheindahlen (Joint Headquarters Rheindahlen) |
JSEC (Joint Support and Enabling Command) |
LANDCENT (Landforces Central Europe) |
LANDCOM (Allied Land Command) |
LANDJUT (Headquarters Allied Land Forces Schleswig-Holstein and Jutland) |
LANDSOUTH (Allied Land Forces Southern Europe) |
MARCOM (Allied Maritime Command) |
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) |
NATO HQ (HQ North Atlantic Treaty Organization) |
NAVCENT (Naval Forces Central Command) |
NAVSOUTH (Allied Naval Forces Southern Europe) |
NCIA (NATO Communications and Information Agency) |
NCISG (NATO Communication and Information Systems Services Agency) |
NORTHAG (Northern Army Group) |
RAF (Royal Air Force) |
SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe) (NATO) |
SACLANT (Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic) |
SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) |
USAF (United States Air Force) |
USAFE (United States Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa, Wiesbaden) > 1972 Ramstein Air Base |
USAREUR (United States Army Europe, Heidelberg) |